JQ Electric Smoke Detector Replacement FeaturedWhat to know about smoke detectors is more complicated than in years past. You’ll want to acquaint yourself with up-to-date information before you upgrade to a new setup. Technology has come a long way, offering numerous features in smoke detectors that were never available before. You can have new smoke alarms wired through your entire home and garage. A licensed electrical contractor will ensure your home system is wired correctly for maximum safety.

Smoke Detector Requirements And Recommendations

Per the NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, safety requirements aren’t complicated. Each bedroom, basement, every level in your home, and outside each bedroom requires a smoke alarm. The person should install the alarms on the ceiling four inches or more from the wall. Wall-mounted detectors must be at least four and less than twelve inches from the ceiling. Also, avoid areas near fans, open windows, heaters, and bathrooms due to high humidity, heat, and dust.

Fire Statistics For House Fires

Electrical fire prevention is first and foremost. US fire departments reported that smoke alarms went off in 54% of residential fires from 2014-2018. Nearly three in five deaths in home fires happened in homes without a smoke alarm (41%). Non-working alarms accounted for (16%) of the deaths. Disconnected smoke detectors, or those missing batteries, account for 41% and 26% due to dead batteries. Schedule a licensed contractor’s annual whole-house electrical system inspection to ensure your family’s safety.

Not Your Old-School Alarm

Manufacturing companies have introduced many features to help keep your family and property safe. When one alarm sounds, they will all sound, whether it’s for fire or carbon monoxide. Location and voice alerts can safely guide you and your loved ones out of your home. In addition, the voice alert will let you know if your batteries are getting low. A good rule of thumb is to change the batteries every time you change your clocks. Check the batteries monthly. Put these items on your calendar so they don’t slip by unattended.

Today’s technology allows interconnectivity via battery-operated, wireless smoke detectors. You may choose to have a battery-backed-up system hardwired by a licensed electrician. That will provide ongoing protection if a power outage occurs. The technology’s system will alert the fire department and the security company when an alarm sounds. Voice technology can guide you safely out of your home and provide safety path lighting helping everyone escape without harm.

What Causes Nighttime False Alarms

High humidity, smoke particles present, steam, or a drop in your house’s temperature can cause nighttime false alarms. Try resetting each alarm or flipping the circuit breaker on and off. If you’re still having problems, call an electrical contractor. A recent significant increase in power may require that you upgrade your electrical panel to avoid a house fire. Keeping your smoke detectors working properly reduces the risk of injuries or death due to a house fire.

It’s been a well-known fact for decades that smoke detectors save lives. In previous years the options were limited. You can choose from numerous options today, which can seem overwhelming when it comes to your family’s safety. Thoroughly understanding the system and regularly checking and changing the batteries is critical. Call JQ Electric for an inspection, smoke detector recommendations, and installation of top-of-the-line equipment for your peace of mind.