Changing Aluminum Wiring To CopperChanging aluminum wiring to copper in your house is a safety issue. It will bring your home up to code and prevent a dangerous or deadly house fire. Was your home built between 1965 and 1973? If so, you probably have aluminum wiring. A whole house electrical inspection will serve two purposes. A licensed electrical contractor can determine the condition of your current system and provide an estimate if needed. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing your electrical system is operating correctly.

Have you smelled burning or heard popping sounds? A discolored or charred switch or outlet and frequently blown fuses or tripped circuit breakers need immediate attention. Don’t put off addressing your electrical system. JQ Electric has years of experience keeping families and their property safe.

Why Is Aluminum Wiring Bad

Copper wiring is safer than aluminum, according to industry standards. Aluminum isn’t the problem. The hazard involves the connection points at switches, circuit breakers, outlets, or fixtures. Matter expands and contracts when temperatures change. That’s where the problem comes in. The expansion and contraction of aluminum wires are significant enough to loosen at the connection points. The connections must be tight, or sparks or overheating can occur, potentially leading to a fire.

How Is Copper Wiring Installed

A licensed electrical contractor like JQ Electric can evaluate your current electrical system and recommend the best option. Are you visualizing drywall being torn out all over your house? You may have another choice, so rest easy until you have all the information. Pig-tailing is often possible and an affordable solution. It’s a method of running copper wire alongside the existing aluminum wire. The aluminum wire is disconnected, followed by the copper wire replacing the connection. Remember, copper wiring also brings your house up to code.

Is DIY Electrical Work Recommended

Are you a DIY person who likes to tackle all your home improvements? Handy homeowners might have the skills to accomplish many repairs with great success. A dedicated DIY person might complete items on a to-do list, repair or replace list, or large-scale projects. Electricity is trickier. We can’t see an electrical arc until it catches something on fire. The only person who should be changing aluminum wiring to copper is a licensed electrical contractor. Burning your house down to save money is counterproductive and won’t be covered by insurance either.

Is Changing Wiring Disruptive

Changing the wiring out in your home depends on how the contractor built your house. If a technician can feed the wiring through current channels, it’s far less destructive, but not always possible. The technician will require far less time if pig-tailing the copper wire is an option. If you need to remove drywall or plaster, you’ll have a much bigger and costlier project on your hands. Either way, safety comes first.

Updating Electrical System Benefits

When you update your home’s electrical system, you benefit by ensuring your property and family’s safety. If you plan on selling your home, schedule an inspection before putting your house on the market. Changing aluminum wiring to copper might save you money on your homeowner’s insurance policy. Electrical codes are there for your protection. Call JQ Electric today for a professional evaluation of your home’s electrical system.