Hot Electrical OutletIf you’ve encountered a hot electrical outlet, you have some investigating to do. Electricity is nothing to fool around with, and you should address a hot outlet immediately. Do you own an older home? Have you been plugging in numerous additional items recently? JQ Electric’s highly trained technicians are experts in keeping your electricity flowing smoothly and safely.

There are many reasons you may find an outlet that is too hot to touch. Read on for some explanations as to why your outlet is hot and your best approach. Most importantly, do this immediately or risk a house fire, which could also affect neighboring properties.

Hot Outlets And Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers are designed to trip (shut off that particular area) when a problem is detected. Your electrical panel has multiple switches that correspond to areas of your home. A hot outlet should trip the breaker to eliminate a disastrous house fire. If it doesn’t trip the breaker, find the panel and turn it off yourself. Check the panel visually. If it appears to be in good shape, feel the panel. If the panel is warm or hot, it’s imperative to call a licensed electrical contractor immediately.

Reasons For Faulty Outlets

Your outlet may be overloaded with too many electrical devices and cell phone chargers, or you have old faulty wiring. Too many power strips will tax an outlet. Running very old appliances can be a problem, and they’re expensive to run. If an outlet feels hot, unplug everything and wait a short time to see if the outlet cools down. Reducing the amount of electricity needed from that outlet may solve your problem. But, a professional electrician should check ongoing issues.

Need A New Electrical Panel?

Electricity is wonderful, magical, and dangerous. Most people don’t understand how it works. It isn’t straightforward and is not a DIY project. However, if your electrical panel is 25 years old, it may be time to replace it. If it has a burning smell, that’s an immediate concern. The most significant cause of house fires is an electrical malfunction. You can avoid this by doing your due diligence.

Upgrading your electrical panel is necessary to protect your home and keep the lights on. Wear and tear, obsolete wiring, power surges, and manufacturing defects contribute to a failing panel. Regular inspections and maintenance can extend an electrical panel’s life to 40 years. But this is one area of your home where it’s best to err on the side of safety. Knowing your panel is in suitable shape is good for everyone’s peace of mind.

When you feel a hot outlet or outlets in your home, it’s time to call a licensed electrical contractor. A technician can perform a full inspection of your entire electrical system and make recommendations if work’s necessary. Not every electrical problem will break the bank. But ignoring them and ending up with a house fire can destroy your home. Call JQ Electric for any electrical issues you have or an annual inspection. You’ll be glad you did!