Overloaded Breaker BoxIf you have an overloaded breaker box, it can cause a troublesome and dangerous situation. Electrical circuits are designed to handle a certain amount of electricity. When you exceed the recommended wattage, several things can occur. Ideally, the breaker will trip, turning off all electricity to the area serviced by that particular circuit. The worst case scenario is you have a house fire. JQ Electric has been keeping people safe for many years. If you are unsure how to proceed, call a licensed electrical contractor.

Do You Have an Overloaded Breaker Box

There are several signs that you have an overloaded breaker box. Do lights flicker when a major appliance is working? Are there odd buzzing noises coming from outlets or lights? Call a professional electrician if your power randomly goes out or you have hot electrical outlets. Those indicate the system is working too hard, which isn’t suitable for your electrical system or safety.

Preventing Electrical House Fires

Most people don’t give their electrical system a second thought until the lights go out. You can avoid a large percentage of house fires with regularly scheduled inspections of all aspects of the system. Do you have a new kitty or puppy that loves to chew on cords? Even if you don’t, check cords regularly to see if they are getting frayed. Don’t add large appliances to an already overloaded breaker box. The best way to prevent house fires is to oversee electricity usage.

When was your home built? Houses built in the 1960s through the mid-70s used aluminum wiring because copper prices were exorbitant. Aluminum gets hot quicker, melts easier, and is a prime culprit of house fires. Having your electricity upgraded may have you clutching your pocketbook, but you don’t necessarily have to rewire it completely. Schedule an inspection to find out what shape your electrical system is in for peace of mind.

Fix An Overloaded Circuit Board

You should check every outlet, cord, and breaker panel regularly to save time and money and potentially prevent a fire. If you tripped a circuit, check the box first to ensure it looks functional. If the breaker panel is hot or looks burnt, you have more significant problems. Each circuit can only handle a particular load before it gets too hot.

But it may be as simple as moving some electrical devices to another circuit to spread the usage. You can replace the fuse or flip the circuit breaker back on if that’s the case. Label your breaker box, or have an electrician do that during an inspection if they haven’t already done it. That will save you time when you’re frantically trying to get your electricity back on.

DIY Electrical

There is a plethora of information available on the internet. YouTube has videos on everything under the sun. A dedicated DIY person can tackle lots of home improvement projects. But, electricity is unforgiving, dangerous, and best left to a licensed professional electrician.

It would be best to address an overloaded breaker box as soon as you know there is a problem. Problematic flickering lights, buzzing appliances, or random outages of your electricity are all ominous signs. Call JQ Electric to have a whole house inspection of your electrical service. JQ will keep your lights on!